51 research outputs found

    Visuohaptic augmented feedback for enhancing motor skills acquisition

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    Serious games are accepted as an effective approach to deliver augmented feedback in motor (re-) learning processes. The multi-modal nature of the conventional computer games (e.g. audiovisual representation) plus the ability to interact via haptic-enabled inputs provides a more immersive experience. Thus, particular disciplines such as medical education in which frequent hands on rehearsals play a key role in learning core motor skills (e.g. physical palpations) may benefit from this technique. Challenges such as the impracticality of verbalising palpation experience by tutors and ethical considerations may prevent the medical students from correctly learning core palpation skills. This work presents a new data glove, built from off-the-shelf components which captures pressure sensitivity designed to provide feedback for palpation tasks. In this work the data glove is used to control a serious game adapted from the infinite runner genre to improve motor skill acquisition. A comparative evaluation on usability and effectiveness of the method using multimodal visualisations, as part of a larger study to enhance pressure sensitivity, is presented. Thirty participants divided into a game-playing group (n = 15) and a control group (n = 15) were invited to perform a simple palpation task. The game-playing group significantly outperformed the control group in which abstract visualisation of force was provided to the users in a blind-folded transfer test. The game-based training approach was positively described by the game-playing group as enjoyable and engaging

    How do undergraduate medical students perceive social accountability?

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    Aim: The concept of social accountability within undergraduate training is embedded within the remit of medical schools. Little is known of how medical students perceive social accountability, recognize aspects of their training contributing to the development of this concept and cultivate the underpinning values. Methods: Students nearing graduation were recruited to participate in focus groups designed to explore their perceptions of social accountability, which curricular aspects had contributed to their understanding, and to investigate the implications of individual variations in training. Results: Students expressed limited appreciation of the concept of social accountability and acknowledged little explicit teaching around underpinning core concepts such as awareness of local health needs, advocacy and nurturing of altruism. However, participants recognized numerous aspects of the course and learning initiatives as impacting on their attitudes towards this concept implicitly. Conclusion: This study highlights areas of their undergraduate training that students recognize as having the greatest impact on their development into socially accountable professionals. It poses some significant challenges for health care educators in addressing unintended consequences, including an outcome-driven educational approach, in reducing students’ capacity or willingness to engage in curricular challenges often designed to embed this concept

    Gender differences in the use of cardiovascular interventions in HIV-positive persons; the D:A:D Study

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